Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Formulated with a special blend of 100% natural herbs,
nutrients, and food ingredients to hep optimize the health of
the male reproductive system. Icariin may help support healthy
sperm count as it may assist blood flow to the genital area by stimulating Nitric Oxide in the body. Zinc is arguably one of the most important minerals for the male reproductive system as semen contains 100 times more zinc than is found in the blood. In fact each ejaculate contains around 5mg of Zinc, one half of the whole recommended daily nutrient intake.



Maximizer is an effective natural formula developed to restore
penile blood flow, stimulate production of testosterone, to
nourish and enlarge the male organ for improved sexual
  • Directly acts on penile endothelial cells and thus improves
    the blood flow at penile arteries and veins.
  • Stimulates secretion of androgen and subsequent release
    of nitric oxide from the nerve endings of penile muscles
    increasing quality of erections, stamina and libido.
  • Relieves anxiety, psychological stress and depression.
  • Tones the Nervous System, check the formation of
    free radicals, and promotes regeneration of
    damaged nerves of genitals.

Maximizer is a clinically tested, doctor approved male organ enlargement product. The experienced research and development team of Maximizer has done meticulous research and has developed all natural products that effectively increase the size and thickness of the male organ. The ingredients are carefully selected and measured for their natural ability to have positive, safe and desirable effects on sexual activity.

These results were compiled after a study conducted on 100000 users by the scientists at the Health Institute. The scientists, who noticed the effect of Maximizer on each user, concluded that it leads to ½ inch growth in length and 5% increase in girth at the end of each month without encountering a single side effect. Besides, every user also noticed an increase in the intensity and frequency of their erections and also went on to experience powerful orgasms.

We Guarantee Maximizer will
work wonders for you. Its efficacy
is unmatched. No other product
can replicate the effects Maximizer
has on every man.

Experience its risk-free!


BullRex Power NEW

With BullRex Power YOU CAN Get:
  • Promotes Erectile Function for Harder & Firmer Erections
  • Improve Sexual Stamina
  • Stay Longer Than Ever
  • 100% Natural Ingredients
  • Dr. Endorsed Product

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is THE most common sexual disorder to afflict men in the world today. Erectile Dysfunction can strike at any age or stage in your life and is probably the single most demoralizing factor in a man's life. DON'T LET ED RUIN YOUR LIFE!

Get BullRex Power Improved Formula, the only herbal impotence remedy that offers an immediate and permanent solution to overcome Erectile Dysfunction.

No Sure If You Have Erectile Dysfunction? BullRex Power Improves Your overall Sexual Health!

It was previously believed psychological issues were behind Erectile Dysfunction. Doctors therefore offered psychological treatment. BullRex Power has become the #1 Doctor Recommended pill of choice worldwide. Its efficacy has been proven time and time again and the absence of side effects has led Doctors to recommend BullRex Power for daily use!

Scientists discovered that the penile tissue of the Corpora Cavernosa will increase in capacity and function more effectively when exposed to specific natural ingredients. With this knowledge we developed BullRex Power
Improved Formula, which is an all natural supplement blending the
high quality ingredients in the exact dosage that will yield
maximum male organ enhancement.
This is why BullRex Power Improved Formula has become
the standard by which all other male enhancement
supplements are judged.

BullRex Power Improved Formula
is 100% Natural with 100% Efficacy!



Vimax is a powerful and natural herbal male enhancement supplement that helps to increase desire and endurance. Formulated from specially selected herbs found around the world, when taken as recommended Vimax has been shown to improve male performance, helping men achieve stronger and longer lasting erections.
Make Love Like A Warrior! In Polynesia it has been reported that men of the Mangaian tribe average activity three times a night, every single night! Vimax's specially blended herbal formula consists of some of the same type of herbal ingredients regularly used by the Mangaian tribe.  
Survey Says...!
More than 9,000 Vimax customers were randomly selected to be surveyed about their experiences with Vimax pills. The astonishing results revealed that, of those surveyed:  
The results of this customer survey clearly show that Vimax has already helped thousands of men to improve their performance and increase their desire. With more than 80% of surveyed customers reporting greater satisfaction during activity, it's not surprising that Vimax customers keep coming back for more. 
Vimax is also one of the most popular male enhancement products available on the market today. Pharmaceutical drugs for erectile dysfunction merely enable an erection, but do not affect your overall satisfaction and enjoyment. Vimax customers have reported not just heightened erection quality, but increased desire and satisfaction for both men and their partners. 
Vimax pills are 100% Safe and Natural. Only the highest quality herbal ingredients from around the world are used in the manufacture of Vimax. Without our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of product research, development and manufacturing, such powerful results across such a widespread age group would not be possible.
                                                                                                                                  VIMAX NATURAL INGREDIENTS
Dodder seed (seman Cuscutae)
Dodder seed is known as a kidney yang tonic and is widely used to remedy sexual problems like impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation.

Saw Palmetto Powder
Known to stimulate a low libido in males and to increase sexual energy. BPH found that an extract of saw palmetto reduced prostate size by 13%.
Epimedium Sagittatum 4:1 Ext (bark)
Chinese top medical doctors report that horny goat weed boosts libido and improves erectile function.
Hawthorne Berry (Fructus Crataegi)
Hawthorn helps to protect against heart disease and to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Gingko Biloba Pwd
The action of the herb may help support the brain, central nervous system and impotence. Ginkgo improves peripheral circulation and oxygenation.
Inosine Anhydrous
A natural substance to help increase the body’s ability to carry oxygen, without effecting its uptake in the lungs.This benefits during sexual activity.
Tribulus Terestris Powder
T. terrestris is a booster for the purpose of increasing sex drive. Its use for this purpose originated from a Bulgarian study conducted in the 1970s, which found effects on free testosterone and lutenizing hormone in men belonging to infertile couples.
Cayenne Pepper
Used to ward off disease and equalize blood circulation. It may also prevent strokes and heart attacks by increasing the heart action but not the blood pressure.
Panax Ginseng (root)
Ginseng stimulates both physical and mental activity and has a positive effect on the sex glands. The herb helps infertility, and premature ejaculation. It tends to build blood and sperm.

Avena Sativa Ext 10:1 (Oat Straw Ext)
Pharmaceutical erection enhancers wi

Maximizer Oil

What's in Maximizer Oil?
Here's how each Maximizer Oil ingredient boosts your virility, stamina and masculine power...
Maximizer Oil blends natural ingredients to tonify and support the skin enveloping the male reproductive system, to improve circulation and blood flow to the penis, and create a base for greatly enhancing arousal and erection. Maximizer Oil combines Olea Europaea, Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus Oil, Hawthorne Berry, Panax Ginseng, Cuscuta Seed Extract, and More in a formula whose key ingredients have been shown in studies to deliver these amazing results:
Quicker Erection: physical application, along with key ingredients in Maximizer Oil can increase the efficiency of erection by rapidly causing vasocongestion of erectile bodies of the corpus cavernosa.
Greater Rigidity and Hardness: the introduction of the key ingredients to the muscle tissue in the penis increases firmness, rigidity and overall quality of the erect penis for longer periods of time. Subjects of tests involving the key ingredients experienced significantly more engorgement of their erect penises.
But there's EVEN MORE Maximizer Oil can do for you!
Combined in our exclusive formulation, these time-honored ingredients have the documented properties to ...
  • Increase blood circulation to the genital tissues, via peripheral penis tissue vasodilators.
  • Strengthen erections.
  • Support stamina and sex drive by increasing cardiovascular dilation and improving circulation.
  • Moisturize and tonify the skin.
  • Enhance sexual energy with boosted self-confidence.
  • Increase orgasmic potential.
The Unmatched Maximizer Oil Formula
Why does Maximizer Oil work so much better than competing products?
Aside from having the correct formulation, the most important factor in producing results is the quality of the ingredients. The ingredients in Maximizer Oil are the freshest and finest ingredients available. That's why no other topical performance enhancer can compare to Maximizer Oil.
What's in Maximizer Oil, and how does it work?
The Maximizer Oil formula has been scientifically engineered for maximum possible results. We did our homework to create this one of a kind formula. This precise blending of herbs form a powerfully effective combination guaranteed to stimulate sexual activity, maintain a firm erection and increase sexual pleasure. While the benefits of all of these ingredients have been known for centuries, it's important to know that clinical studies have backed up these benefits.


The Men's Clinical Study
Results Are Now In...
... Offering PROOF – With 84 Days Of Use VigRX Plus™ Significantly Improves Men's Sexual Performance!
          HARDER, longer-lasting erections on demand
      Erections that look and feel BIGGER to you and               partners
      A noticeable INCREASE in sexual desire
      Better CONTROL over erections
      More frequent, more INTENSE orgasms
In the first clinical study of its kind, VigRX Plus™ was tested on 75 real guys (not lab rats) for 84 days.
Because we wanted PROOF... EVIDENCE... REAL DATA...
... To back up the 10+ years of client success stories that have been piling up in our back office with stories of harder, long-lasting erections... improved control... and noticeable increases in partner satisfaction.
So we hired Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD to run our trial.
And after 2 years of conducting a triple-blind study on guys aged 25 to 50, where half the guys were given VigRX Plus™ and half were given a placebo, they presented us with a 56-page report that included the following results:
Improved Erection Quality and Sex Drive  
In Just 84 Days With...
A 59.97% INCREASE In Ability To Penetrate Partner!
A 71.43% INCREASE In Sexual & Intercourse Satisfaction! 
A 47% Increase In Overall Sex Drive & Desire! 
More PROOF Of Results Included: 
  • A 62.82 INCREASE in ability to maintain an erection!
  • A 22.49% INCREASE in frequency and quality of orgasms!
  • A 61% INCREASE in overall sexual desire!
NOTE: All results shown were from a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical study by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD. Individual results may vary.
Why Choose VigRX Plus™ Over A
Prescription Erection Pill?
According to Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. who ran our clinical trial:
“... Scores achieved by VigRX Plus are at least comparable, if not equivalent to those reported in Sildenafil [sold as Viagra] in an open label study of twelve weeks.” 
Direct Comparison:
                                                                                              Sildenafil           VigRX Plus
               Improvement in erectile function66%60.35%
               Increase in sexual desire13%47%
Did you notice? When compared to prescription erection pills, VigRX Plus™ earns comparable scores in the improvement of erectile function...
... But it earns much HIGHER scores in increasing men’s sexual desire!
A key advantage that VigRX Plus™ offers over prescription erection medications is that it doesn’t just give you better erections...
... It significantly improves your sex drive, too!
Which, according to Vedic Lifesciences, “may prove useful for initiation of sexual stimulation – a critical step in the sexual response cycle of men.”
Plus, VigRX Plus™ with its all-natural formulation has shown no major side effects!  
... Unlike prescription erection pills which, while generally tolerated, do still come with a long list of warnings and side effects, especially for men taking nitrate medications or certain alpha-blockers.
How VigRX Plus Works
VigRX Plus™ has been formulated with a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers that quickly build up in your system to measurably improve your sexual performance.
Ingredients directly target nitric oxide levels, helping to relax the smooth muscle tissue of the corpus cavernosa and its associated arterioles to increase blood flow, resulting in noticeably thicker, fuller erections.
Plus, it includes a series of potent testosterone boosters and aphrodisiacs, many centuries old, known for giving men a big boost of sexual desire, along with other noticeable improvements in sexual health and function.
Just take 2 capsules, twice daily.  This helps your body to absorb the maximum ingredients while also keeping dosing levels in your system consistent.
The VigRX Plus™ Triple Advantage:
Why We're Consistently Rated #1 For Results!
  • Advantage #1 – Scientifically Engineered Formulation
The VigRX Plus™ formulation is the work of 10+ years of research in the field of men's sexual health, taking the latest developments from the world of medical science and slowly refining the formulation...
... To give you a combination of ingredients that's truly on the cutting-edge of men's sexual and reproductive health.

  • Advantage #2 – Optimized Dosing
With VigRX Plus™, you get the MAXIMUM dose of each ingredient necessary to produce consistent results.  We don't use cheap, sawdust fillers like so many other pills on the market today, who promise a quality formulation, but don't deliver the necessary dosage.
Every ingredient is included in the optimum quantity, so you can expect to enjoy reliable, consistent results... Erections on demand, on your terms!
  • Advantage #3 – Freshest, Quality Ingredients
It only makes sense... The quality of ingredients used in ANY supplement you choose is going to impact the results you achieve.
That's why we insist that VigRX Plus™ is produced with the finest quality, freshest ingredients available.  Does this negatively impact our bottom line?  Initially, yes. 
But in our experience, selling a superior product earns us loyal, lifetime customers.  So we willingly take the hit to earn your business for years to come.
NEW To The VigRX Plus™ Formulation!
We're excited to announce that VigRX Plus™ now includes BioPerine, which has been proven in multiple U.S. clinical studies and earned several U.S. patents for its unique ability to DRAMATICALLY increase the absorption of the ingredients it is combined with.
Simply put – BioPerine makes the ingredients in VigRX Plus™ work even BETTER!
How Fast Can I Expect Results?
Results with VigRX Plus™ build over a period of 30-60 days...
... As the ingredients build up in your system!
Remember: prescription erection pills are nothing more than Band-Aid solutions that you need to take 60 minutes in advance of sex and they're only good for a single sexual encounter.
VigRX Plus™ has been formulated to improve your erection quality, control, and sex drive so you can enjoy unlimited, spontaneous sex...
Sex on demand, on your terms, whenever you want it!
No planning, no waiting. 
But remember: once you've been taking VigRX Plus™ for 60 to 90 days, you must continue taking it to maintain the results.   Otherwise the ingredients will slowly disappear from your system, and your previous sexual dissatisfactions will likely reoccur.
Try It RISK FREE For 67 Days!
...If You're Not COMPLETELY Satisfied, 
You Don't Pay A Rupee!
Our promise to you is simple:   If you’re not thrilled with the difference VigRX Plus™ makes in your sex life, with:
  • Firmer, longer-lasting erections!
  • Stamina and sex drive of a healthy teenager!
  • Orgasms so intense, you will be shocked... then thrilled!
... Then simply send us your empty VigRX Plus™ containers in the first 67 days and we will refund your entire purchase price -- no questions asked!

Skin Energizer

Razor Burn Relief: Light weight soothing cream delivers fast relief from razor burn, irritation and redness. Immediately distributes moisture to affected area, calming the skin and re-building the moisture barrier damaged by shaving. It helps in soothing razor burn. Moisturizing agents and safflower oil help comfort and soften skin leaving it supple and smooth.

Skin Lightening Cream (Men)

Lightnix Active Skin Lightening Cream is an Extra Strength Formula designed especially for men's skin. It prevents Dark Spots, Freckles, Sun-Spots and noticeably reduces hyper-pigmentation. The Result is Beautiful and Fairer skin, that remains beautiful for longtime.

Lightnix Active contains the Synerlight, Kiwi and Sephora extract has rich contents of vitamins, fruit gel which provides nutrition to the skin.

Scrub Face Wash (Men)

Foaming scrub gently cleanses & scrubs to remove impurities & black heads. Controls sebum while refreshing skin with natural ingredients. It deeply cleanses excessive sebum, dust, impurities and black heads with breakable mild granules to keep skin matt and smooth after cleansing. It is suitable for daily usage without causing irritations.

Anti Aging Anti Fatigue Cream

Wrinkless Active features an energizing complex, Ginseng and Ginkgo Bilboa with stimulating properties, soothing substances, as well as a fragrance with phyto-therapeutic, a real biological fitness tool to help your skin rest and boost its energy potential.

Wrinkless Active’s anti-aging formula contains anti aging vitamins that protect cell from free radical damage, improving the overall firmness. If facial skin and visibly diminishing damage caused by biological and environmental aging factors, this ultra light formula provides substantial and guaranteed results.


Why Amazonia?
The nature has blessed Amazon Rain Forest countless natural plants and herb known very effective and harmless to human body. After research of centuries scientists have found some very effective ingredients to stop hair loss and start Natural re-growth of hair. 
Amazonia Hair Re-Growth Shampoo is a natural product used by men and women of all ages.
  • 0% Hair Loss in Just 15 ~ 30 Days
  • Hair Regeneration in 3 Months
  • Support Blood Circulation to Hair Follicles
  • Stop Dandruff and Alopecia
How Does it Works? 
The results of clinical testing shows, the product contains plant hair growth essence, it can promote tiny circulation of blood of head skin, strengthen the vitality of hair follicles, provides the nourishing of hair growth needed.
A Force of Natural Against Baldness
People who suffer from problems like baldness, dandruff, excessive sebum in scalp, greasy hair, alopecia, weak and fragile hair are the ones who need to use Amazonia Hair Re-Growth Shampoo,
Scientifically Proven Formula
This Natural Formula has in its composition, amazing phyto-therapeutic agents that are found only in the AMAZON RAIN FOREST. All herbs used in this formula are recognized by CTFA (The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association) and accepted by the World Health Organization.
Cycle of Treatment
First 15 to 30 days: Restores the hair follicle degenerated, recovering the root of the hair, eliminating dandruff, and resulting consequently in the end of grease excess. The loss ends. Rest of Two and Half Months you can see clearly that re-generation of new hair starts in a natural way. 


Retrim is a revolutionary supplement based on the very latest scientific research, designed to
help you maintain an optimum body composition and stay in shape. ReTrim assists you
in attaining an ideal ratio of body fat lean muscle as part of a healthy slimming. ReTrim can
also help you to maintain a healthy metabolism and protect against the extra free radicals
generated during exercise.

ReTrim is 100% Natural product designed to lose weight but keep improve your energy levels. Contains Caralluma and Green
Tea (provides a synergistic effect which may enhance weight lose). In several clinical trials, Caralluma Fimbrata has produced
significant weight lose in most participants. Caralluma Fimbrata blocks the formation of fat and forcing fat reserves to be burned.
Caralluma Fimbrata is new to the appetite suppressing herbal group and is widely accepted all over the world. It is believed
thatthis Super Naural Food may become the next replacement for Hodia Gordonii which ismore expensive and pure material
is rarely available.
ReTrim assists you in attaining an ideal ratio of body fat. ReTrim can also help you to maintain a healthy metabolism and
protect against the extra free radicals generated during exercise. to lean muscle as part of a healthy slimming.

100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD - 450 Gram

Whey Protein Isolates are 90% pure protein by weight. They are the purest and most expensive form of whey protein that exists. That’s why they are the first ingredients you read on the 100% Whey Gold Standard label. By using Whey Protein Isolates as our primary protein source, we’re able to pack 24 grams of the purest, muscle-building protein per serving, with a lot less of the fat, cholesterol, lactose, and other stuff that you can do without. There’s no question this is the standard by which other whey proteins are measured.
  • Packed with Whey Protein Isolates
  • Higher Pure Protein Percentage
  • Fast-Acting HYDROWHEY Whey Peptides
  • Provides Whey Protein Microfractions
  • More than 5 grams of BCAAs
  • Over 4 grams of Glutamine & Precursors
  • Instantized to Mix with a Spoon

100Percent Pure Creatine Monohydrate 100Grams

Creatine monohydrate has started the revolution of sport supplements in the early 90’s by delivering steroid-like results naturally for the first time. The creatine pool in your muscles is responsible for donating phosphate groups to regenerate used up
ATP, therefore it serves as cell energy reserve for muscle contractions. In addition, creatine is able to boost cell volume inducing higher muscle protein synthesis. Creatine monohydrate has been proven in hundreds of clinical studies to increase the total muscle creatine pool comprising of free creatine and creatine phosphate. This increase leads to significant muscle size and strength gains, and better sport performance, as well as beneficial non-sport health effects.
100 g – 20 servings, 300 g – 60 servings
500 g – 100 servings, 1000 g – 200 servings
Directions: Divide your body weight in kg by 3. That is the amount of creatine in grams you should take daily in the loading phase (first week of use). After that period, take half of that amount for maintenance. Use on an empty stomach, mainly after training with simple carbohydrates. Use 400 ml fluid of every 5 grams of creatine to achieve proper solution. During the use of creatine, make sure you stay well hydrated all the time. 
Allergen info: Manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy and egg proteins, and peanuts

MASS 20 Creatine-Infused Muscle Gainer 1.75KG

The human body is very sensitive to its energy status. If energy requirements are not
optimally met, you will not be able to perform physical activities at a high level, recovery will be impaired and building muscle mass will be impossible. A carbohydrate-based energy supplier and muscle gainer formula, like our MASS 20, will provide the necessary support in these areas. MASS 20 is also infused with creatine that is the most effective direct cellenergy supplement for high intensity activities. MASS 20 contains whey protein, the most important bodybuilding protein type. Our ultrafiltered whey protein concentrates provide important lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, lactalbumin and immunoglobulin protein microfractions). MASS 20 has no added sucrose or fructose.
Directions: Mix 1 serving of MASS 20 with 300 ml water, juice or milk. Drink preferably before and/or after training and/or before breakfast depending on your body mass and energy requirements. 
Allergen info: Manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy and egg proteins, and peanuts!

AMINO 5600 - Whey Amino Acid Formula 200Tab

Amino 5600 is a full-spectrum amino acid formula with all the essential and critical aminos to maximally support muscle gain and muscle tissue retention during critical times like dieting or extremely long exercise sessions. Amino 5600 is manufactured from high-quality, high-biological value whey protein to ensure optimal results.
Directions: Take 1-3 servings before and after training, and also prior to going to bed. 
Allergen info: Manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy and egg proteins, and peanuts!

Memory Factor

Supports and Maintain Memory, Concentration, and Focus!
Memory Factor is an advanced dietary supplement that combines vitamins, herbs, and other nutrients to provide nutritional support for memory, mental alertness, and concentration.
Maintained mental performance requires the optimal functioning of brain cells and the complex neuronal network. Brain cells cannot be replaced and have the highest priority in the body for micro-nutrients. Memory Factor provides a comprehensive formula to help safeguard your dietary intake of important nutrients and natural bio-elements that assist to maintain brain function. 

Memory Factor provides advanced nutrients and natural bio-elements. We have selected Nutrients which are specifically proven for the health of brain cells.