Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The Men's Clinical Study
Results Are Now In...
... Offering PROOF – With 84 Days Of Use VigRX Plus™ Significantly Improves Men's Sexual Performance!
          HARDER, longer-lasting erections on demand
      Erections that look and feel BIGGER to you and               partners
      A noticeable INCREASE in sexual desire
      Better CONTROL over erections
      More frequent, more INTENSE orgasms
In the first clinical study of its kind, VigRX Plus™ was tested on 75 real guys (not lab rats) for 84 days.
Because we wanted PROOF... EVIDENCE... REAL DATA...
... To back up the 10+ years of client success stories that have been piling up in our back office with stories of harder, long-lasting erections... improved control... and noticeable increases in partner satisfaction.
So we hired Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD to run our trial.
And after 2 years of conducting a triple-blind study on guys aged 25 to 50, where half the guys were given VigRX Plus™ and half were given a placebo, they presented us with a 56-page report that included the following results:
Improved Erection Quality and Sex Drive  
In Just 84 Days With...
A 59.97% INCREASE In Ability To Penetrate Partner!
A 71.43% INCREASE In Sexual & Intercourse Satisfaction! 
A 47% Increase In Overall Sex Drive & Desire! 
More PROOF Of Results Included: 
  • A 62.82 INCREASE in ability to maintain an erection!
  • A 22.49% INCREASE in frequency and quality of orgasms!
  • A 61% INCREASE in overall sexual desire!
NOTE: All results shown were from a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical study by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD. Individual results may vary.
Why Choose VigRX Plus™ Over A
Prescription Erection Pill?
According to Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. who ran our clinical trial:
“... Scores achieved by VigRX Plus are at least comparable, if not equivalent to those reported in Sildenafil [sold as Viagra] in an open label study of twelve weeks.” 
Direct Comparison:
                                                                                              Sildenafil           VigRX Plus
               Improvement in erectile function66%60.35%
               Increase in sexual desire13%47%
Did you notice? When compared to prescription erection pills, VigRX Plus™ earns comparable scores in the improvement of erectile function...
... But it earns much HIGHER scores in increasing men’s sexual desire!
A key advantage that VigRX Plus™ offers over prescription erection medications is that it doesn’t just give you better erections...
... It significantly improves your sex drive, too!
Which, according to Vedic Lifesciences, “may prove useful for initiation of sexual stimulation – a critical step in the sexual response cycle of men.”
Plus, VigRX Plus™ with its all-natural formulation has shown no major side effects!  
... Unlike prescription erection pills which, while generally tolerated, do still come with a long list of warnings and side effects, especially for men taking nitrate medications or certain alpha-blockers.
How VigRX Plus Works
VigRX Plus™ has been formulated with a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers that quickly build up in your system to measurably improve your sexual performance.
Ingredients directly target nitric oxide levels, helping to relax the smooth muscle tissue of the corpus cavernosa and its associated arterioles to increase blood flow, resulting in noticeably thicker, fuller erections.
Plus, it includes a series of potent testosterone boosters and aphrodisiacs, many centuries old, known for giving men a big boost of sexual desire, along with other noticeable improvements in sexual health and function.
Just take 2 capsules, twice daily.  This helps your body to absorb the maximum ingredients while also keeping dosing levels in your system consistent.
The VigRX Plus™ Triple Advantage:
Why We're Consistently Rated #1 For Results!
  • Advantage #1 – Scientifically Engineered Formulation
The VigRX Plus™ formulation is the work of 10+ years of research in the field of men's sexual health, taking the latest developments from the world of medical science and slowly refining the formulation...
... To give you a combination of ingredients that's truly on the cutting-edge of men's sexual and reproductive health.

  • Advantage #2 – Optimized Dosing
With VigRX Plus™, you get the MAXIMUM dose of each ingredient necessary to produce consistent results.  We don't use cheap, sawdust fillers like so many other pills on the market today, who promise a quality formulation, but don't deliver the necessary dosage.
Every ingredient is included in the optimum quantity, so you can expect to enjoy reliable, consistent results... Erections on demand, on your terms!
  • Advantage #3 – Freshest, Quality Ingredients
It only makes sense... The quality of ingredients used in ANY supplement you choose is going to impact the results you achieve.
That's why we insist that VigRX Plus™ is produced with the finest quality, freshest ingredients available.  Does this negatively impact our bottom line?  Initially, yes. 
But in our experience, selling a superior product earns us loyal, lifetime customers.  So we willingly take the hit to earn your business for years to come.
NEW To The VigRX Plus™ Formulation!
We're excited to announce that VigRX Plus™ now includes BioPerine, which has been proven in multiple U.S. clinical studies and earned several U.S. patents for its unique ability to DRAMATICALLY increase the absorption of the ingredients it is combined with.
Simply put – BioPerine makes the ingredients in VigRX Plus™ work even BETTER!
How Fast Can I Expect Results?
Results with VigRX Plus™ build over a period of 30-60 days...
... As the ingredients build up in your system!
Remember: prescription erection pills are nothing more than Band-Aid solutions that you need to take 60 minutes in advance of sex and they're only good for a single sexual encounter.
VigRX Plus™ has been formulated to improve your erection quality, control, and sex drive so you can enjoy unlimited, spontaneous sex...
Sex on demand, on your terms, whenever you want it!
No planning, no waiting. 
But remember: once you've been taking VigRX Plus™ for 60 to 90 days, you must continue taking it to maintain the results.   Otherwise the ingredients will slowly disappear from your system, and your previous sexual dissatisfactions will likely reoccur.
Try It RISK FREE For 67 Days!
...If You're Not COMPLETELY Satisfied, 
You Don't Pay A Rupee!
Our promise to you is simple:   If you’re not thrilled with the difference VigRX Plus™ makes in your sex life, with:
  • Firmer, longer-lasting erections!
  • Stamina and sex drive of a healthy teenager!
  • Orgasms so intense, you will be shocked... then thrilled!
... Then simply send us your empty VigRX Plus™ containers in the first 67 days and we will refund your entire purchase price -- no questions asked!


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