Tuesday, February 21, 2012

MASS 20 Creatine-Infused Muscle Gainer 1.75KG

The human body is very sensitive to its energy status. If energy requirements are not
optimally met, you will not be able to perform physical activities at a high level, recovery will be impaired and building muscle mass will be impossible. A carbohydrate-based energy supplier and muscle gainer formula, like our MASS 20, will provide the necessary support in these areas. MASS 20 is also infused with creatine that is the most effective direct cellenergy supplement for high intensity activities. MASS 20 contains whey protein, the most important bodybuilding protein type. Our ultrafiltered whey protein concentrates provide important lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, lactalbumin and immunoglobulin protein microfractions). MASS 20 has no added sucrose or fructose.
Directions: Mix 1 serving of MASS 20 with 300 ml water, juice or milk. Drink preferably before and/or after training and/or before breakfast depending on your body mass and energy requirements. 
Allergen info: Manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy and egg proteins, and peanuts!

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